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The Perks of Using Blissful Buddha

Pet Sitting offers countless advantages over boarding. We can keep your pet happy and feeling loved even though you're away. There's no need to leave your pet home alone, in amateur hands, or in a stressful kennel. When you hire a professional pet sitter, the convenience and advantages are unbeatable. And if you have more than one pet, so even is the price, less expensive than boarding on top of all the perks!

Pets are happier and less stressed in their own environment


Exposure to illness is minimized in comparison to boarding


Diet and exercise routines are uninterrupted


Your pet will receive a personalized experience and individual care and    attention


Reliable, responsible, trustworthy professionals are experienced in the veterinary field, licensed, and insured


We have on call veterinary advice when it comes to the health of your pet during our visit


Includes basic services that can deter crime by giving your home an occupied look


No need to impose on friends or family, simply enjoy quality service guilt-free


We are educated on pet health, fitness, and special needs; we continue to educate ourselves to better serve you and your pet


Last minute and rush reservations are available


No office hours to follow, we are available 24-7, you can schedule services or call to check on your pet at any time. That means 24 hour pet care and 24 hour peace of mind for you!


Receive pictures of your pet throughout our stay via text messaging, email, or Facebook


Each day we will leave a care sheet that will provide you with the details of our visit, including information such as your pet's mood, behavior, schedule, and activities


We offer a $20-$25 introductory interview so you can meet us, feel us out, and see how we interact with your pet


Avoid the inconvenience of transporting your pet(s) to and from a kennel


Owner operated business ensures utmost attention to detail and dependable work ethic


You can enjoy your travels with peace of mind


Reassurance that things are OK at home is only a call, text, or email away


Copyright 2022

Tel: (912) 665-4133

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